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 By 5:30, Ezra was finally off work at the local diner. He’d clocked out, barely finishing his side work as he was bolting toward the old clinker in the parking lot. The announcement was going to be dropped by 6, so he had about thirty minutes to get to Vinnie’s house off Lakeshore Drive; that was across town, but if he was lucky enough to make the bridge before the fishing boats came back in, he could make it! He threw the old Saturn into reverse, flooring it enroute back into town. A little ding on his phone signaled Titus had finally texted him back.

“yo you still comin for the oz?” Titus wasn’t often a man of many words, especially in text. Ezra sent a thumbs up, speeding down the winding road as the mist began to sweep into the harbor. The pines were waving in the wind, wooden fence gates swung from right to left… The wind was beginning to pick up. Passing over the bridge, he cheered, throwing his fist into the air as he saw the drawbridge rise up behind him to let the parade of fishing boats into the docks.

He’d finally pulled up to the house, 5:57. Like many of the houses in Muskingo Falls, Vinnie and Titus’ little two bedroom had paint peeling off it’s walls, a few windows were cracked, some of the old craftsman pillars were more termite food than structural. Ezra always took care to step on the front porch steps carefully, lest his foot go through the floorboard. The wind was howling now, and the little frozen droplets of rain were already starting to pelt the landscape. Knocking on the door, the door quickly swung open to Titus’ slick but stoned smile.

“What’s up man, you made it!” Titus was already three or four blunts in; his shirt was off, his pants were low, he smelled like days old Gucci cologne and ashtrays. But, as usual, his dopey, clownish demeanor brought endless entertainment for Ezra, especially when paired with Vinnie’s deadpan, badass silence. Walking into the house, a cloud of smoke hung in the air, music blaring on speakers a few rooms over, the dirty laundry piled on the washing machine wafted the potent scent of sweat, cum, and cigarette smoke. Frankly, it was an average day at the house, and everything was completely as it always was. The two walked into the back den, where the bags of weed were neatly packaged and dated on the coffee table.

“How’s it goin’ Ezra?” Vinnie’s low baritone voice hummed quietly, as his tattooed knuckles met with Ezra’s.

“He’s here for the special. I got it all bagged up over here.” Ezra handed Vinnie the cash, while Titus swiped one of the bags off the counter. Taking it, and sitting down on the couch, he opened the ziploc to smell the bud. It was fragrant, but definitely duller than new. “Yeah, so Vinnie thought anytime the bud’s bout to get old or whatever, we sell it for half off and all!” Titus chirped proudly of their scheme, but as usual, it was tuned out completely by Ezra, who was too busy packing a bowl to listen to another four hour ‘Titus Tale.’ He lit the bowl, letting out the smoke in a thick puff of smoke. The bud was fine, especially for what he paid for it. Satisfied, he turned to his dealers, both staring at him in wait for a review.

“Not bad for the end of the stock.” Ezra passed the bowl to Titus before gathering his things to head out. He felt Vinnie’s strong hand on his shoulder, and slowly turned his head. Vinnie’s typical neutral expression greeted him, as he pointed at the shaking windows out front.

“You’re not driving in that.” Ezra stared longingly at his car through the front room window, shrouded by the shrieking rain around it. All he wanted was to be home in his bed, smoking his bowl. He hadn’t expected them to care if he did or did not drive in the storm, they weren’t exactly close friends. Truthfully, it was purely a business relationship, and Ezra wanted to keep it that way. He’d avoided accepting their invitations to parties and raves, knowing all too well what happens when you get friendly with your drug dealer. However, in this case, the assuredness of Vinnie’s death grip on his shoulder, and the reality of the storm sinking in had convinced Ezra to stay.

Ezra plopped down on the old couch, Vinnie and Titus taking the seats on either side of him. The two shared what to the naked eye would only be seen as a glance, but to them, was a green light. Titus tossed his arms back behind his head, and Vinnie had kicked his beat up boots off, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

“Since you’re stuck here, do you wanna do some beta testing?” Ezra turned to Vinnie, and his heart sank into his legs. He couldn’t be certain, but it seemed to him as if Vinnie was… Smirking. He could see the very edge of his plump lips purse upward, which Ezra would not have necessarily have noticed had it not been for the fact that not once had he ever seen Vinnie smile. Sure he was always friendly, but he was always stoic. This smirk seemed so uncharacteristic of him, but being high and already paranoid of his own paranoia, he chalked it up to a new strain and kept carrying on.

“Whatcha got?” Titus eagerly pulled the sidetable drawer open, and out came a small tin foil ball. He unraveled it, and inside was a bud of weed unlike anything Ezra had ever seen before. It was unmistakably cannabis, the flower was lumpy and a deep green, he could see the little THC crystals all over it; however, it almost seemed to glow in the tin- a faint minty green aura. Titus threw his arm around Ezra’s shoulder, pulling him close.

“This shit’s from somewhere down in Louisiana, it’s supposed to be legit as fuck. One or two puffs and you’re on cloud nine.” Ezra felt the heat from Titus’ sweaty body leaning over him, the sharp pit stink mixing with the floral funk of the weed. Vinnie handed him a grinder, swinging his feet over to rest on Ezra’s lap. Fixated on the ratty, hole-ridden size 13 black socks hovering over his bulge, Ezra ground the bud absentmindedly as the two dealers shared another knowing glance. Titus handed him an empty blunt wrapper, making sure to return his arm around Ezra’s neck, and his fingers stroking Vinnie’s shoulder. Even from within the paper, ground to a pulp, the weed glowed green. Yet, having denied lust for these two studs for so long, and now being in such close contact… Ezra was too caught up in the moment to care. Vinnie pulled his lighter from his pocket, flipping it open for the flame to burst forth. Ezra nervously ignited the blunt, looking down as to hide his blushing cheeks.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* For the first time that he could ever recall, Ezra had coughed at a blunt. The two dealers snickered, knowing all too well that this strain was very, very, very, strong indeed from their first time trying it on their trip to New Orleans. It had also shocked their systems, made them cough like high schoolers smoking cigarettes, and they surely did have one hell of a time. In fact, they weren’t quite the same after they’d come back from that trip last month. For instance, Titus wouldn’t ever have come to the door shirtless, Vinnie wouldn’t ever have kicked off his boots when company was around, the house wouldn’t have ever been this much of a disaster, and yet…

Locking eyes for one last time, the two winked at eachother as the completely inebriated Ezra fell under the weed’s influence. Vinnie rubbed one foot against Ezra’s growing bulge, and the other against his bare feet. The warm, wet sensation of Vinnie’s sweaty feet playing with him was turning him on like nothing else ever had. His breathing became huffy as the rubbing became more intentional. Taking the opportunity, Titus grabbed the back of Ezra’s head, shoving it into his ripe, rank pits. As if an animal at an oasis, Ezra began to lap at the bushy pits, drinking in the musky stink like water. He loved feeling Vinnie unbuttoning and pulling off his shirt, his calloused hands running up and down his chest. The touch of such strong, confident fingers riding up his chin, slipping into his mouth to suckle.

Suddenly, the sound of creaking, stretching rubber echoed in the room, as Vinnie pried his jaw open, enough to fit his whole hand inside Ezra’s malleable throat, which slipped back out without a single gag. Too aroused, too taken by the sensory overload to care, Ezra locked lips with Vinnie, letting his tongue snake down into his throat as he pulled Ezra to his knees. Titus clapped his hands together, eagerly rubbing them together in preparation. This was his first time, as was Vinnie’s, and he was very excited to try it himself.

You see, the good kush was not the only thing that the lecherous duo brought back from Louisiana… As Vinnie plunged his whole fist into Ezra’s stretching maw, Titus had done the same to his malleable hole. The skin stretched with a rubbery elasticity, accommodating the extra mass beneath it. Titus wriggled his fingers, four small lumps bulged and danced inside of Ezra’s lower back. Stretching his mouth even wider, Vinnie was able to get his head into Ezra, and continue squirming his way downward even further into his body. Titus could feel the grasp of Vinnie’s hand on his own, and a strong tug; Titus was suctioned into Ezra’s ass up to his shoulder, before his head popped into the gaping hole.

The duo’s bodies snaked and wormed themselves within their friend’s inflated form. Squirming through their orifices, aided by eachother’s helping hands pulling more and more of themselves into their tight, slick cavern. Ezra was moaning in unimaginable ecstasy, the feeling of two fully grown men, strong and powerful, slithering around within his body felt as if waves of orgasmic energy washed over him. With a final 'schlorp,’ Vinnie’s socked foot slurped into Ezra’s mouth, and both men were completely intertwined and within the rubbery skin.

Ezra lay on the ground, eagerly watching the forms of his two dealers slipping him on. Every second, he felt as if a hundred snakes were worming their way inside him, while the two adjusted themselves within him. First to finalize the invasion was his arms. Ezra felt the duo’s slimy arms force themselves into his own, his skin expanding to accommodate their extra mass. Beneath the skin, the squiggling worms made their way into his fingers, Titus’ finger tattoos slightly visible before pushing upward; within seconds, his jacked arms were completely covered a mixture of the two’s ink.

His chest bloated outward, seemingly cavernous as ecstatic chuckles bellowed from within. His skin felt tighter than humanly possible, with meaty pecs and slabs of abs bubble out into prominence. Pinpricks wash over him while all the nerves between the three of them become one. Now beyond his control, his hands made their way down to his engorged cock, firmly grasping it as it is filled. Like a condom too small, Ezra felt their dicks thrust into his, finalized with his heavy balls dropping to the floor.

The outline of two massive feet protruded from his lean legs, pushing downward, slippery and slick. His legs ballooned out, completely overtaken with muscle. With the two feet finally shoving into his, a burst of a familiar footmusk poured from the swollen toes, Vinnie’s tattoos poignantly visible atop the smooth, sweaty tops. Ezra was nearly stretched to breaking point, every labored breath felt short and constricted. His throat ballooned out, two basketball sized lumps slowly rising up toward his skull. He smiled, ready to be completely possessed by the two studs.

Pressure built against the back of his throat, the two lumps pushing and pushing upward before the barrier finally gave way with a loud snap. The squiggling forms of Vinnie and Titus’ heads slithered around inside of his own, before it finally had reformed into a sexy smirking face. Gallons of cum streamed out of his thick cock like a fountain, coating him in a white blanket of three men’s slimy seed. Opening his eyes, one brown and one green, Ezra pulled himself to his feet. He could sense Vinnie and Titus inside him, merged into his consciousness as one. He sauntered over to the piles of ripe laundry, picking up a long white tank, a flannel, a crusty jockstrap and a pair of Titus’ jeans. He could smell both of them emanating their musk from his pits and feet, and couldn’t help taking a deep whiff of Vinnie’s rank, cum filled boots before shoving his bare feet in.

Hours passed of drugs, debauchery, masturbation, sniffing, and rubbing. As the morning light peeked in through the windows, Ezra jolted awake. He’d passed out. Rubbing his eyes, he wondered if the night before was some crazy trip on laced weed. But as his vision finally adjusted and the blur of bloodshot passed, he looked down at his body, still clothed in his dealer’s outfit. He was still covered in tattoos, his body was still packed with lean muscle, he was exactly as he’d left himself last night. He jumped up, now completely awake as footsteps from behind him alerted him to another presence.

“Mornin’ stud.” Vinnie’s smirking face turned the corner from the front room, Titus not far behind. “Fuckin’ damn good night, huh?” Ezra, still filled with a cocky swagger and promiscuity smiled and winked at them. “We got some sausage cookin’. Gotta be ready for the sales today, and it’s your first day dealin’.” Titus walked by, taking a gentle grope of Ezra’s bulge before heading upstairs. Something clicked within him, knowing all too well that what happened last night would happen many, many more times. All it would take was his assistance in moving the product, and accepting his new role as cog number three in the house. And it felt so damn right.


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