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Promising Sunnmore University Ph.D. Candidate Missing

Aug. 31, 2006

A promising research student has gone missing as of this past Wednesday from the Sunnmore University campus. Sean McDonough, a Ph. D. candidate studying genetics at the university, left Swampscott Hall at approximately 9:45 PM and did not show up for his office hours the following morning. Campus police state that the incident likely occurred during Wednesday night's freak storm while the University security cameras were down for scheduled maintenance that evening. 

McDonough, a native of Providence, has been intimately involved in various secretive genetic studies conducted by Dr. Howard West and Dr. Delia Whateley. Motives remain plentiful behind his disappearance, but local authorities assure the community at large that there is no evidence yet of foul play. Fellow colleague and doctoral candidate Elias Delahaye remembers McDonough as a "brilliant scientist" and "dear friend."


Carefully, so carefully did Delahaye handle the syringe between his steady fingers. Years of practice had gifted the young man with a delicate grace and elegance to his research; no matter how outrageous his subject matter was perceived by the bureaucracy of the university, his skill remained unquestioned and objective. Leaning over the test tubes filled with the iridescent glow of the emulsion, he held his breath as the syringe slowly released the final component of his solution into the glass vial. Not even the raging winds nor claps of thunder shook the young man's resolve as the needle excreted it's final drop. 

Delahaye gently placed the syringe on the side tray, corking the tube as he stepped backward. In a fury of energy he leaped in joy, thrusting his taut arm into the air victoriously. Years after the primordial inception of the very idea which had flickered into his mind as a young graduate student, the bounty of his work was finally complete. 

"Yes!" Cacophonous bursts of thunder bellowed outside, as if he'd impressed the very gods themselves. He stepped forward, gingerly raising the vial into the air, swirling it's contents as they integrated amongst eachother. The bright blue glow diluted to a deep cyan, it's luminescence still remaining somewhat unexplained to him. The thick, shiny black rubber gloves snapped off his hands, tossed into the bin next to his station. Delahaye stared at his creation as God did with Adam and Eve- with wonder and elation. "And now..." 

The warm, mucilaginous liquid within moved slowly as he twirled the vial, streaks of glimmering white spinning in a vortex amongst the teal glow. Delahaye quickly snatched a sterile needle from the opened package, penetrating the seal and siphoning a moderate amount of the creation into it's chamber. He could not contain the glee on his face, his lips curling upright with a wry grin. This marked the beginning of a bright, prosperous future for both him and all of humanity itself. This marked the dawn of a new age, the next step in the evolution of the species. He capped the syringe, placing it in his bag as he removed the stained lab coat from his toned frame. A buzz from the adjacent desk quickly caught his attention: a message from Penelope no doubt. He tossed the shoulder bag across his chest, walking over to the phone, reading his message with his smile still beaming on his face.

Penelope: So? Did it work?

Elias: Yup. I can't believe it. Just as I predicted, but my god it worked!

Delahaye turned to the mirror by the lockers, leaning against the cabinetry as he snapped a photo for his devoted girlfriend.

Elias: Say hi to DOCTOR Delahaye, love. 

Penelope: I'm sure I'll have more to say than hi when you get home.

Elias: I'll be a bit longer. Believe me, we're celebrating tonight.

Two conquests in the span of a night now secured, nothing could bring the young genius' spirits to task. He slid the phone into his pocket, strutting out of the laboratory as he flipped the switches off, plunging the cavernous room into darkness. The faint glow of the beakers on his station was the only illumination in the room, outshone only by the blinding strikes of lightning outside the lead-lined windows. Silence lay steadily, until the clinking of a turning knob destroyed the serenity. 

A shadowy figure slithered into the room, quietly closing the door behind him. Like a viper he wove through the desks and tables, nearly tipping over a steel stool before the clattering of metal against the tile floor could signal the night guard. Tacitly he put the stool back on it's feet as he approached the glowing vials. The warmth emanating from the glass tubes was palpable, the radiating heat washing over his creeping fingertips in cascading waves. Just as the tip of his skin grazed the vials, the flick of the lightswitch drenched the room once more in bright incandescent illumination. 

"As I'd expected. Hello, McDonough." The lanky man spun around in terror, frozen in place seeing Delahaye standing at the door: his arms crossed with that irritating smugness he had loathed so fervently. His academic nemesis slowly strode toward him, his head hung low with snickering smirks and chuckles. "I'm disappointed. You really thought I'd just, what? Leave my work in an unlocked room, out in the open for anyone to come and take? A twelve year old expects as much." McDonough stood upright, more than a couple of inches taller than the rather elfin Delahaye, his face stoic and unaffected. Shrugging his shoulders, he retorted as best he could.

"I thought it was worth a shot." A grim leer writhed across his chapped lips as he pointed to the domed camera sitting forlorn in the corner of the ceiling. "Cameras are down for maintenance. It was my only shot. Gives me a nice double jeopardy for you as well, you'll have no proof I was ever here anyway." Delahaye scoffed, turning to the camera and back to him with indifference.

"And any picture I'd take you'd be able to dismiss as a friendly visit from a friend. Clever girl, McDonough." The blonde man's upper lip quivered in contempt, grimacing at his rivals nonchalance. "What was the plan, Seanny? Swiping it for yourself? Oh! No, it's all been written down in my name for the past six years. Hmmm..." Delahaye strode nearer to McDonough, denying him the respect of eye contact. "Ah!" He snapped, pointing his finger pridefully. "Hiding it! No, destroying it! Guaranteeing that I wouldn't have it in time for our reviews at the end of the month. My thesis would be ruined, it would guarantee you the top spot of our class, and I would be tossed back to Louisiana in shame." Another clap of thunder startled McDonough, clamoring to steady himself on the tabletop beside him.

"As I said, Elias. It was worth a shot." His bravado had shrunk, his stature hollowed and slouched. "I was sparing the faculty from being subjected to your stupid fantasies and depravity. If Academic Affairs wouldn't stop you, I would." Delahaye raised an eyebrow, his air of superiority entirely undeterred. 

"No, no, no, Sean. This isn't about Dean Whateley. She doesn't care, we're invisible to her. It's never been about the stiffs." Delahaye arrived toe to toe with the towering beanpole, his handsome face finally glancing up to meet the scowling rival. "It's always been about you." Pain. Stinging pain radiated from McDonough's wrist as he looked down in horror to see the last of the serum injecting into his forearm. His eyes widened, pupils dilated and mouth agape. 

"You've lost your fucking mind, Delahaye! You're not going back to Louisiana, you're going to the fucking penitentiary!" He ripped his hand to his back, retreating quickly against the windows as another clap of thunder roared in the storm beyond. In a moment of fear and desperation McDonough found himself grabbing the stool next to him, distending the metal legs before him in defense. Delahaye smirked as he slipped the cap back onto the syringe, calmly placing it back into his bag.

"Entirely possible. At minimum that's battery... Probably attempted murder if they ever understood what was in that needle, heh." McDonough swung the chair wildly before him, creating a barrier of flying steel between him and the maniac. "Put the chair down, McDonough you look like a windmill." 

"You stay the fuck back. I'll have your head for this!" Delahaye ducked as the chair flew over his head, watching with glib abandon as the frantic McDonough scrambled toward the door. Rather suddenly, however, the lumbering giant found himself frozen in place. His hand clutched over his chest as his heart beat rapidly and erratically. "What... What have you done, Delahaye?" The tanned young man simply shook his head, chuckling under his breath.

"Tsk... Tsk... Tsk... Oh, what wonders you'll see, McDonough! You are to be the very first in a new stage of human evolution. Imagine! Let your feeble little brain try to grasp what that means!" McDonough continued to grasp at his chest, his knees starting to wobble and his head growing heavy. "You! You, a sorry excuse for a primate being the genesis of a brave new fucking world! Hah! You should thank me, McDonough." Delahaye's words grew more unhinged as he slowly stalked around the corner of the table. His voice soared to thunderous roars and plummeted to maniacal grovels. "That dog shit you call a thesis won't come close to what I have done tonight. You have been a thorn in my work since the moment we met- the brilliant Harvard intellectual stepping down onto the crazy backwoods bumpkin' who needs to be put in his place. Or at least, that's what you told them. Told them all! You may call me crazy, Whateley may dismiss my theories, but here it is McDonough! Proof in the god damn puddin'!" The sniveling weasel lashed out, his voice lugubrious and defeated as a puddle of viscous white fluid began to pool beneath his pristine black loafers.

"They'll wonder where I am, Elias. You think someone like me just disappears and no one does anything about it? You're finished, you fucking hick." Globules of milky sludge began to drip from the cuffs of his pressed shirt, beads of sweat falling from his brow like rain. McDonough looked down at the growing puddle of fluid below, raising his foot to see the stretching strands of slime between the sole and the pool. "What... What the fu..." His quivering knees finally give way, his body dropping to the cold tile in loud and wet squelch. Delahaye turned the corner of the table, grinning as he saw McDonough angrily squirming on the floor- his arms and legs bent at impossible angles as they continued to break down. He crouched down as the clothes on the liquefying scientist started to slowly deflate; less and less mass lay beneath to support the fabric.

"You're looking a little piqued, how are you feeling?" Delahaye viciously taunted him, leaning forward to probe his gelatinous arm. The tip of his finger pressed against the whitening, slimy mass, quickly sinking within it to McDonough's horror. "Fascinating. Live subjects show phase change at a faster rate than deceased. Where did I put my notepad?" As the man's face slowly began to warp and melt, his final words in his physical form sluggishly crawled out of his viscous lips.

"Bassssssssstarrrrrrrrrd." Delahaye smirked and winked at the deflating visage of McDonough before there was nothing left but a white slime squirming in a puddle beneath his clothes. Scribbling notes in his notebook, he leaned over the mass, still quivering of it's own accord as his pen approached. As the ballpoint pen pressed against the sludge, Delahaye was shocked to see it move to encompass the entire bottom of the metal cylinder.

"Ahhh, still in there, McDonough! Excellent. Frankly, I would have been severely disappointed if not." Indeed, the consciousness of Sean McDonough remained entirely intact, unable to speak and barely in control of his new form's movements. Yet, even in this primordial state his senses of scent, taste, sight, touch, and sound remained in perfect condition. Delahaye was entirely ignorant of this fact, as there was no method by which he would have been able to communicate directly with the ooze. "Well, let us get on with it." Smiling with an unhinged lunacy, he brought out a considerably large syringe, probing the sharp needle deep into the puddle as he suctioned the remnants of Sean McDonough into the chamber. In his mind, all the man could do was scream in rage and fury, though no sound would ever leave his gelatinous form. The fluid was surprisingly cohesive, making it simple for it to rush into the glass receptacle in mere seconds, leaving only a pile of slimy clothing on the laboratory floor.

Delahaye brought the syringe to his face, eyeing the glimmering white ooze before capping the needle, and plunging McDonough into the impenetrable darkness of his bag. From within, he heard the sound of a wet mop quickly cleaning up the scene of his demise, followed by the sound of his clothing being tossed into the garbage can, destined to be disposed of by the night janitor. The dizzying sway of the bag against Delahaye's hip caused waves of nausea to wash over him, as he was no longer able to stabilize himself. 

His abyssal journey lasted what seemed like hours, sloshing and reeling in the glass chamber. What would become of him, what sort of insane plot had Delahaye concocted in his demented brain? Every step his nemesis took, the less he was able to discern which way was up or which way was down. The darkness of the satchel had blinded him completely, struggling to stay cognizant as his chamber slammed against textbooks and pens. The sound of an opening door marked a foreboding end to his journey. Muffled and indistinguishable voices rang from outside of the leather satchel, before a brash, cutting voice had boomed forth.

"BRUH! You're back! You got my shit, man? I been pent up for two fuckin' weeks!" The voice was brassy and stupid, the dullness of intellect all but removed from his intonation.

"Yeah, Nico. I got your shit. Thank you for agreeing to help me with my study. I know it was hard to refrain, but believe me, this will be worth it." McDonough felt the warmth of Delahaye's fingers wrap around his glass prison, slowly pulling him toward the light of the outside. As his hazy vision adjusted to the light, amongst the familiar setting of the graduate student housing, he saw a sight which terrified him to his core. Nico Baldassari, the 'Italian Stallion' of Sunnmore University, stared at him with insane lust as he pawed at his notorious 'firehose.'

Nico was not a good student, in fact, so viscerally unintelligent was he that it was scarcely understood how he had even been admitted into the school. His talent in bodybuilding and competitive weightlifting certainly must have aided him, but to staff, students, teammates, he was known to be by far the dumbest moron on campus. The acrid scent of his sweat filled whatever room he walked into, particularly if he'd decided to remove his sneakers to "air out the dogs." His oafish and ostentatious personality somehow was seen as endearing to the majority of students, who viewed him as brainless but harmless, friendly to all and eager to share stories of his nightly sexual conquests... except one particular individual. Had he the lips to do it, McDonough would have grimaced, infuriated beyond measure. To him, the man represented nepotism of the highest order. To have some barrel-chested nimrod taking up a spot in one of the most prestigious schools in the country, it offended McDonough to his core. Not even the smelly dolt's captivating camaraderie could penetrate his hatred, even more so after Delahaye had not only befriended but also roomed with him.

"Bro that looks like my fuckin' spunk, bruh!" He laughed with his typical throaty chuckle, reverberating against the glass of the syringe. Delahaye smirked silently. "So that shit's gonna make me fuck like a horse, right?" The vial quivered in Delahaye's hands, proving the sentience of his sludge. 

"Indeed. Hand it over and you can go... complete the task." From beside his chair, out came a long black plastic cylinder. To McDonough's horror, the flesh-toned silicone labia told him everything he needed to know of it's purpose. A fleshlight, a universal constant of Sunnmore jocks. Delahaye gingerly grasped it, wincing from the stench of unwashed phallus that wafted from the slimy folds. "Right..." He grinned wolfishly as he uncapped the syringe, twisting the needle off the end as not to puncture the silicone. McDonough could only vibrate his form, his terror unable to be expressed any other way, though his efforts remained in vain. Whispering to the glass syringe, Delahaye muttered, "Goodbye, McDonough. Enjoy your new daddy." 

The plunger pressed against Sean, and with nowhere to go but out, Delahaye slipped the tip past the rubbery lips of the silicone pussy and deposited the volume of McDonough into the miasmic depths of Nico's filthy cum deposit. He rushed out of the opening, landing deep into the stinking silicone cave. The walls were coated in dried loads of weeks past, and fragrant specks of Nico's dick cheese, clearly unwashed since the day he first plunged his footlong into it. More of McDonough rushed out, filling the interior more and more, until the very last of him had been deposited. His form had completely filled the cavern, quivering as the scent penetrated deep inside of him. Delahaye removed the syringe, strings of McDonough desperately trying to reenter the chamber snapping in vain. 

"Alright, enjoy yourself. You've earned it, tiger." Delahaye's tone reeked of sarcasm and smugness as he handed the cylinder to a beaming Nico.

"Fuuuuck yeah, bro. Now that's some wet ass pussy, man. Sure you don't wanna dick it down when I'm done? She'll be nice and warm for ya, bro." Delahaye just wryly smiled, a single hand gesture signaling his disinterest.

"It's all yours, Nico. Let me know how you feel afterwards, I'm eager to see if it really does increase penile and testicular size! You're helping me so much, my friend." Nico simply chuckled, pulling his shorts down as Delahaye brought out his notepad, observing quietly and intently from the other side of the room. McDonough could only watch as the shorts slid down, revealing the stained, ripe jockstrap beneath. The heat that emanated from the sour pouch felt like a steambath to the sentient slime, albeit one that stank of testosterone laden dick.

As the massive elongating erection sprang from it's smelly hammock, McDonough could only watch as his balls drooped like kumquats in their sac, swinging as the soiled strap plummeted to the ground. The phallus was just as notoriously described, the veins bulged from beneath the long thick shaft from the forest of pubes to the straining foreskin. Nico was dripping streams of pre already from the pulsating hooded head. The wet, fishy stink that radiated from his elongating cock would have brought tears to his eyes, if he had any to cry from.

"Yeah, let's get it on bro!" Nico grabbed the plastic capsule, chuckling under his breath before plunging that ripe man cock into the fleshlight's waiting lips. McDonough felt it immediately, the sensation was unlike anything he could have imagined. Absolute penetration, his entire being just entirely encompassing the unwashed jock dick as he moaned and thrust into the silicone. "Fuuuuuuck, bro. Best fuckin' lube I've ever fucked. Ughhhh, yeahhh." The wet slapping of his firm groin and swinging balls hitting the slimy sex toy paired with the vulgarities spewing from his drooling mouth was too much for McDonough to handle. The taste of masculine cock, the smell of funk, the feeling of his slimy rod sliding throughout him, the sounds of sex, the sight of his massive schlong roughly thrusting into the remaining fragments of him... the more Nico fucked him, the more McDonough began to succumb to the cacophony of sensations. 

"Yes, Nico. Tell me what you're feeling." Delahaye furiously scribbled in his notepad, sadistically grinning knowing that McDonough's fate was at hand. 

"Ahhh fuck, bro. It's fuckin' warm, man. Like I'm slippin' the dick in sloppy seconds, huhu!" His pace quickened, McDonough feeling himself slipping away in the throws of euphoric lust. The passion in which the pungent cock slithered within him began to thrill him, his mind slowly turning to affinity. He could feel the pre start to mix with his slimy body. Little by little, more of Nico began to overtake him. "Ugh, Eli! Fuuuck, man! Fuck! I'm gonna blow, bro!" Delahaye's eyes grew entirely unhinged, as the panting jock began to whine. His mouth hung open, his hips thrusting harder and harder... before he roared out as he released his load.

A torrent of warm, pure jock seed shot deep into McDonough. It immediately began to seep into every measurable molecule that remained of Sean McDonough. Each slithering little sperm penetrating deep into the fabric of his genetic build. As more and more of his spunk flooded into him, he could feel more of him slipping away. His intellect started to decline, thinking less of the world of science and more of the world of the here and now. Rage and vengeance slid away to relaxation and pleasure as his mind began to fuse with the moronic douchebag's DNA. Had he a mouth, he'd be eagerly drinking each drop down his throat, a need for constant release overtaking most any other goal. As Nico thrust one last massive shot into McDonough, he felt the fleshlight begin to rumble, his final thought being a simple "bruhhhhhhhhh."

Nico sighed in satisfaction before he looked down, seeing the flooded rubber pussy swallowing his length. He smiled before feeling a new sensation overtaking his cock: entrance. The jock could barely say a word before he threw his head back, moaning even louder and more ecstatically than his release. The amalgamation of McDonough and Baldassari had begun to slither it's way back into his slit. Delahaye's brows furrowed, observing intently as Nico's balls began to throb. The genetic slime suddenly rushed back inside of him, the bellowing sounds of slurping suction ringing out in the room as his balls started to swell and strain. 

"Jesus... Uhnnnnnnnnn oh fuck..." The kumquat sized testes expanded larger and larger, his sac drooping further down as the weight of his manhood steadily increased. Endorphins rushed throughout Nico as he shuddered and quaked in exhilaration. Bigger and bigger his sac swelled until the very last of his seed, as well as his former colleague, had slithered back deep into his balls. "Oooh, shit." He slowly pulled out of the fleshlight, now clean as a whistle inside. A heightened sense of virility coursed throughout him as he happily grinned as his swollen testes. "Bruh, that shit is intense. Where'd it go?" 

"Never mind that." Delahaye smiled as he closed his notebook. "Though I imagine you're feeling even more... pent up than usual, correct?" Nico dimly smiled and nodded, swinging his inflated cock and sac right and left as they gently rumbled. 

"Heh, I think I should give Stacey a call."


The autumn breeze blew gently against the older man as he trudged down the suburban sidewalk. The years had not been kind to him. His face sagged with beleaguered exhaustion, his eyes sullen behind his thick rimmed glasses. Every step he took, he could feel his brittle knees buckling beneath the weight of him. 

"Fuck..." He stopped to catch his breath, leaning against the postbox as he approached his clandestine destination. There, at the end of the street on a tree-lined cul-de-sac sat a modest, yet well maintained home. The man sighed, wiping his brow with his dirty handkerchief as he caught his breath. 18 years had passed since his award-winning research had released to the academic world. 18 years of back breaking work, desperately trying to recreate the lightning in a bottle that had been created that stormy August night. Nothing he'd done had ever come close to that pinnacle, and whatever had approached it was quickly patented and owned by the parasitic corporation that he slaved away for. His work no longer his own, nothing more than a cog in the very machine he'd helped to create. 

He glanced up, watching with a furious grimace as the home's front door opened. A family exited, happily laughing and smiling as the sinewy father cracked a joke outside of the man's ear shot. The wife smiled, kissing her husband on his lips and lightly slapping his firm rear wrapped in tight denim jeans. As she entered her sedan, waving as she drove off, the man angrily trembled at the sight of a young man walking out of the home. His long brown hair flowed down to his tanned, broad shoulders; a brutish yet charming face sat atop his well built musculature. The young man had walked out in only a pair of sweats sagging above his damp compression shorts, barely hiding his obscene length snaking down the side of his thigh. His massive feet slapped wetly against the concrete pavers as he playfully punched his father in the shoulder, immediately causing a jovial tussle between the two chiseled men. 

Their fun was soon interrupted as the father caught sight of the looming man down the street scowling at them. He squinted his dark brown eyes, recognizing the face behind the aged mask of his present state. He turned toward him, calling out in his heavy, chested voice:

"Elias? Is that you?" The man stood there for a moment, before shuddering as he waddled back down the street, slowly scurrying back to the hellscape he'd created for himself. The young man turned to his father, scratching the back of his flowing mane.

"Who was that, pop?" Nico turned to his son, the spitting image of himself, dimly smiling as he ruffled his hair.

"Ahh. Looked like a dude I used to know back in the Uni days. Got my pipes flowin' like a hose with some shit he made in a lab. Heh, don't think you'd be here without him!" The young man chuckled, the candor of his father nothing new to him. Their close relationship had shaped him into the man he was: strong, confident, smooth... every chance they had to spend time together, they were out in the yard throwing a football or cracking open a beer. He idolized his father, worshipped the ground he walked on, and proudly ended up being a miniature Nico. 

"Huh, thanks weird old guy? Oh, by the way, I think I'm meetin' up with the boys tonight. Might pick up a babe or two if that's cool with you?" He winked, nudging his dad in the side.

"Bring rubbers, Gio. Unless you're stickin' it in some man ass tonight." The two let out a hardy guffaw, his father well aware of his son's wide array of partners and strong libido. "Alright, stand over there, gotta get one last pic of my boy before he's off to the old Alma Mater!" Gio strutted over to his hard-earned car, throwing his hands behind his head and flexing as his old man snapped his picture. "Woof, boy. You do take after your pop, gonna wash up before you lay down?" He winked. Gio smirked.

"Nah, chicks and dicks are into it, pops. Gotta get that Gio musk in their lungs, gets 'em wide open for me." The two of them laughed as the walked back into their home, the door quietly closing behind them.


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