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Whatever Happened to Eddie Ray?

There he is. The target. The prey. Damn, I feel like a creepy lil stalker, but I swear, this is what I’ve been planning for months, and I need this. I need this to feel normal. To get what I want.

See, I got a brother. A sexy, studly, badass big brother named Josiah. And as his little sister, of only a year I might add, I have always looked up to him. Josiah and I were always close. He would go out onto the driveway and show me his super cool skateboarding tricks, and i’d sit out on the front steps cheering him on. That was the way it was. 

That is until Eddie came along. I mean, yeah. He was super nice to me, and we could be classified as “friends,’ I guess. But here’s the catch: he stole Josiah. Instead of me cheering him from the porch, Josiah was at the skatepark with Eddie. Instead of coming and playing N64 in the living room, he was at Eddie’s place smoking the weeds. And all the entire time, I was never allowed to come with! I mean, he’s 23 and I’m 22. So it’s not like I’m the annoying lil dweeb. This weird bromance blossomed, and I lost my brother to it. But, I’m gonna get him back. I have a plan.

I spent around 5 hours last night at the Sunnmore University library studying occultist books. I was looking for some curse to cast onto Eddie, when I found one better than some lousy curse. 

He left his economics class, which he was failing I’m sure, at around 5:30. I followed him from the business school to his dealer’s house, and now onward to the “skatepark.” What I mean by “skatepark” is this old vacant lot that used to have an inground pool, so there’s this giant cement hole in the ground where the “tough” skaters go to inject marijuana or something. I see Eddie and Josiah there, with two really weird looking cigarettes, just smoking and talking. I know that they aren’t gonna skate tonight, since they had already done so at lunch. I also know that Eddie keeps his special skate shoes in that massive backpack of his, and that’s just what I need.

I creep ever so slowly to this bramble bush near them, and watch quietly as they smoke. The backpack is so close, but I don’t want them to see me, and I really don’t want to spook them: Josiah carries a gun, and I’m not feeling getting shot tonight. I decide to wait until the right moment arrives. But, it seems like that moment is now! Two of their friends just showed up, and they left there stuff on the edge of the “pool” to go meet them. Perfect.

I’m like a ninja. I run over to the backpack and start rummaging as soon as I hear them talking. There isn’t enough time to waste. I’m pushing past books and sweatpants and some sticky green plant, when I feel them at the bottom. I grab them and tear out of there, hiding right behind the bushes. 

Eddie is a tall guy, maybe around 6′2, so it makes sense that his shoes are gigantic too. Size 14? I’m a women’s size 9! This is so stupid! And, even worse, they stink to high hell! I know Eddie wears socks, so I don’t understand how these are that damp and sweaty! I guess after years, they just kind of gather fluid like a sponge. I don’t wanna even touch these nasty shoes, but as I look over at Josiah, laughing and smiling with his friends, I remember our good times together, when we smiled and laughed… Just do it.

I kick off my flats, and my left toe touches the blackened insole of the shoe. The squish I hear is absolutely visceral. It’s warm, wet, and sticky. I hold back my gag reflex as I push forward, letting my entire foot enter the steamy cavern of Eddie’s Vans, coming to rest on his disgusting insole. I let out a sigh of relief, which is quickly stifled. It was too loud! I whip around, and see Eddie and another guy casually turn around in my direction, but they quickly get back into their conversation.

I feel the heat and smell emanating from the shoes, completely enveloping my left foot. Decidedly determined, I take a huge breath, and immediately slide my foot into the right sneaker, and it’s even stickier and hotter than the first! He’s regular-positioned, so his right foot is always on the board. Always glued to it, letting all of his sweat pour from his body down into the shoe. Shivers run down my spine, as my foot sticks to the sole. I whip out the book, which I temporarily borrowed from the library reference section, and turn to the page. I fuddle my way through the weird incantations, mispronouncing every word. A twig breaks behind me, and I spin around to see Eddie, staring at me confusedly. 

“Vicki? What are you doing here? Are those my shoes?” I stand up, confident in my stance.

“Where’s my brother?” I demand. Eddie crosses his arms and smirks at me, clearly amused by my compromising position.

“He went to go drop off Dwayne & Emmett. Whatchya doin’ with my kicks, Vick?” 

“You stole my brother, Eddie! Fucking stole him!” I shout and point at him as he leans casually against the tree. Nothing is happening, which makes me even angrier. “You think you can take him from me? You think you own him?” Eddie begins to speak, but I look down at my feet, and am immediately shocked. Black tattoos begin to burn into my skin… Identical to Eddie’s. I feel my feet inflate, like water into a balloon, into the shoes; my toes meet the indents in his well worn insoles, and I know my spell has worked.

Whoa… Vicki… What the fuck.” Eddie falls off the tree onto his back, and I take the opportunity to jump atop him. He’s stunned. Shocked. Maybe even a bit scared. Nonetheless, he pushes me off, and tries to run toward the street… But the spell has already been cast. He trips over himself, falling every few feet, before he finally collapses onto the ground. I follow after, gleefully watching him writhe and spasm. He seems smaller by the time I reach him, his muscles are smaller, he’s shorter… It’s working just right.

“I promise I’ll take care of him. You know I will.” Eddie continues to disappear, being slowly absorbed into the clothes he donned. His big blue eyes screamed in mortal terror, but I can’t hear him as the last of him sinks into his cap.

I must be quick. I slip off the shoes quickly, not without strenuous effort (they are so fucking sticky), and pick up the socks. They’re hot off the foot. I look down at my… HIS feet, tattooed and glistening with sweat, and I slip on the socks. Immediately, my calves bubble and inflate, jiggling like a waterbed. I feel myself grow tall, and hairs spring out of my tight, manly calves. I strip out of my jeggings and throw on his off-white silk boxers. They drip with sweat, and stink of balls, but I’m too far into this to give up. A strange stirring whirs inside me, and a grumbling resonates from my stomach. Pressure builds, and I moan in ecstasy. I feel something sliding out of me, hard and long, certainly slippery. I hear a loud “pop” and look down to see a huge fucking cock sticking out of the opening in his sweaty boxers.

Jeans next, I’ll have plenty of time to play with my toy. His ripped and tattered skinny jeans are too wide for my waist, so I hold them up as my body plays catch up. My quads burst out in an instant, and my ass bubbles into a firm, muscular rump. I can take my hands off the lower body, and everything stays in place. There’s power under my tan, sweaty skin, energy I hadn’t experienced before. I feel my muscles tense up and flex. Slipping my shoes back on, they openly welcomed my damp feet back into their sticky home. From the waist down, I am one sexy man. But I had two more articles to go.

His black tank seems dry, and even at first smells like old spice. But it doesn’t take long for the pitsweat to waft out of his sweat stains. At this point, I’ve grown to accept that I’m a sweaty, smelly, sexy skater boy, and that it’s something to embrace, be proud of. Even show off… I throw on the shirt, and even take a second to rub the damp stains onto my pits. Butterflies gather in my stomach, and I feel rumbling, even pressure building inside my core. I lift the shirt up to see rippled abs expanding beneath my sunkissed skin, my lovehandles disappear and my breasts begin to sink back into me. Biceps and triceps surge with growth, and I begin to falter, unfamiliar with the sheer weight of my new body! I fall to my knees, my hands landing on the concrete. I watch with a psychotic grin from ear to ear as my fingers stretch and callous, and veins bulge from my forearms. I couldn't help but rip the shirt off and toss it to the side, letting my glistening sweaty muscles sparkle in the sunlight.

It’s time. Immediately, my hair recedes into my scalp and darkens, turning from blonde to a wavy deep brown. I feel my face go numb, and my sight starts to blur. I bring my hands to my face, feeling it shift and morph beneath my meaty fingers. My lips are unfamiliar to me, so plump and kissable. My brows furrow and thicken, sitting on my face like caterpillars. My vision comes back, and I look down at myself.

I am Eddie. I run my hands over my perfect muscles and flex my veiny biceps. I take a deep whiff of my manly musk wafting from my pits and my dripping ballsack. Speaking of which, I grasp my golfballs and thick cock, and moan. It’s so sensitive! I hear my deep voice, which takes me off guard… 

“I… I’m Eddie Ray.” I smile at my velvety voice, and hear footsteps behind me.

“So…” I turn around to see my brot… My best friend. “What do you say we head home?” He has this strange look on his face, I can’t read it!! Suddenly, I feel a new sensation writhe through me, however, it’s nothing physical this time…

My head grows fuzzy, light, even… dumb… I’m forgetting… Who I am. No! I’m Vicki! I… I’m… I’m Vi… Eddie… What’s happening? I just… Everything is going dark… I’m… Fading! Stop… Wait… No…

“Hey, Eddie, you okay?” Josiah looks down at Eddie in the pool, who’s sitting there looking at the ground, wide eyed and confused. He jumps down and puts his hand on his friends shoulder. He’s shaking! “Yo! Man, what’s wrong!” Eddie jolts, as if he stuck his finger in an electrical socket, and looks up at his bro with the same dumb grin as normal.

“Aww nothin, man. Don’t worry about it. Lost myself a minute there. I’m all good now. You wanted to… head home?” Eddie slides his fingers into Josiah’s shorts, wrapping themselves around his throbbing cock. He smirks and grabs his friend’s wrist.

“Hey, wait til we get home. Then you can take it in the mouth.” 


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