Ted looked down at his watch, of course the flight was delayed. It’s not as if he were on a time crunch anyway, a few weeks off in Miami and Key West would be exactly the right way to spend his hard earned vacation time. He’d always been a workhorse, barely eating, barely sleeping, just going hard every day for the last nine months until he was a zombie: skin and bones. All those hours added up, and thank god he’d been able to use them against his boss-all in all he’d accumulated 14 days of vacation days, and it was finally time to cash in. It seemed, however, that Delta had different plans. The flight was now delayed almost an hour thanks to “difficulties” in Atlanta and Ted was then left to occupy himself in the terminal for the next 45-50 minutes. He sighed, the thought of the white sandy beaches and rolling turquoise waves was beckoning to him from the vast beyond. He’d be there soon enough. Pulling out his phone, he did what any self-respecting 20 something year old twink wo...