Aiden Robichaux was a run-of-the-mill good guy. Born and raised in a small town in middle Pennsylvania, he saw little of the world outside his county. He’d just finished his second semester in college, studying History to become a teacher someday. To everyone around him, he was the blue eyed, cute good boy next door. What he, nor the rest of family knew, was that he was not a Roberts. It was just a run of the mill genetics assignment: to get your DNA tested to extrapolate family genetics. He pricked his finger, waited the week and a half for the results, and when the envelope was opened… With 99.4% accuracy, Aiden was 91% Scottish, and the rest was a splattering of various other ethnicities from the isles. As everyone around him laughed and talked about their family histories, and their parents told them about their great aunts and uncles, Aiden would be discussing his adoption with his parents. From what they knew, his mother died in childbirth, and his father had died just after...