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Showing posts from April, 2019

I Sniff the Body Electric

  Kevin hated Jonas. Most kids who are bullied hate their aggressor, but Jonas was a special type of bully. Kevin had expected as college juniors they’d grow out of the adolescent bullshit, but Jonas had not done so whatsoever. He knew that Kevin was queer, president of the school’s Diversity Club, and very militant around his beliefs; which gave Jonas plenty of material to work with. After coming back from wrestling practice, he’d tease Kevin with his sizable bulge and impressive muscles knowing full well that he was the type of man that Kevin lusted for. It was impossible not to look when they were in the midst of their spats- truly a public spectacle for all to see. So to all onlookers, it was shocking that Kevin was in the stands at the wrestling meet. To Kevin, money spoke louder than anything, and a crisp $100 bill spoke volumes. After all, he could use a nice injection of funds for his rent. All he had to do was meet up with Jonas after the meet, pick up his key, and watch h...