There’s nothing more amazing than having possessed a body. Being dead gets kinda fuckin’ awful, bruh. You’re floating around, looking at others live their lives, knowing you’d live it better… I mean, that’s Emilio! Look at him. He’s got so much potential, and he’d rather be taking fuckin’ filter selfies on Instagram for his 300 followers. If only he’d have hit the gym for a few years, joined the football team… Woulda been a whole different story. He wouldn’t have needed my help. But, I mean, I can’t complain. Profits flow upward, bruh. I’m in charge now, so I get the gold. So first of all, that tackle was bullshit. We were winning, some fucker had to come knock the life outta me and shut down our sports program. I watched the school get less and less swole, less fit, and it killed me. I needed to do something. That’s where little Emilio came into play. He was a little prep. You know, that little shit who would walk around and talk shit about people he doesn’t even know. He ...